Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Why Wait?
What are you waiting for? I always joke that I'm waiting to exhale.... There are times in life when we have to wait--in line at the grocery store, in traffic, in the waiting room at the doctor's office, at a red light, just to name a few. These are examples of times when we have no control over the "wait". There are numerous other things in life that we do have control over and we still wait. One that comes immediately to mind is the majority of women do not use their fine china very often. We WAIT for a special occasion or holiday. We WAIT until our children are gone and grown to pursue our interests; or in some cases we WAIT for our husbands to give us the green light for something. We WAIT until Monday to start a diet or exercise plan. We constantly put things on a "waiting list". A large amount of people don't live to the fullest or live a great and fulfilled life. People focus on what is not working, what is not happening or complain about all the wrongs of life. People WAIT until the sun, the moon and the stars line up and their bank accounts are overflowing to live fully or to be happy! Most people do not show or share their expressions of love until it is to late. We WAIT. I have two childhood friends that I have talked to within the past two days....One had a serious car accident that could have ended his life in the matter of minutes and the other, she needs a heart transplant. Both are in their early forties. Both are looking at life very differently. They are not WAITING to live anymore, they know all too well, that tomorrow is not promised... They have made a command decision to live more, complain less; live fully. I would like to encourage everyone to stop waiting to live and live fully now. Everyone's definition is and will be different of what a full, great or fulfilled life is. Yesterday, I answered this question: What is your definition of a great life? I wrote my definition down and I will reflect on it daily to remind myself and keep me accountable to how I want to live a great life. I recommend you do the same. I want a full life now, no more waiting. I'm dusting off my fine china! I am making a decision that I do not want to live with my goals, dreams, interests and aspirations on the "waiting list". Think about it....What are you waiting for?
Friday, November 12, 2010
What have you considered.....
After seeing "For Colored Girls", I started thinking, what do people really consider when the chips are down, they are disappointed, disgusted, disenchanted or downright depressed. We all have issues, baggage, situations, and challenges that we deal with. They can be simple or complex. They can be easy to solve or downright near impossible. They can make us want to buckle, bend or collapse under the pressure or at times they might make us consider giving up....At some point when we are "considering" what to do, we should stop and pray. This will stop any immediate emotional or physical decisions or outbursts. Yes, I said physical, (I'm keeping it real....) When we stop and pray it allows God to intervene in the situation and will help us make a Godly decision. Next, we need to adopt a mantra that will get us through. Do you have a mantra that will get you through a situation. Do you have a phrase, a Proverb, a saying; something that your Grandmother or Mother told you, that you can repeat in your head to "snap" you out of what you were considering....Prayer coupled with positive thinking/positive phrases can help pull us through. I strongly believe in mind over matter (I started to adopt this 12 years ago--when I delivered a 9.6 pound son with no drugs.) Positive self talk and positive internal or external messages are essential. You are what you think. Even if your situation doesn't appear positive and you don't like what is happening, you can have a positive outlook on it. Look deep within. Know there is a reason for everything and a lesson to be learned. There is always victory after a battle. You have to fight to win. Let me encourage you, keep fighting--victory is ahead. Most importantly, tell yourself that giving up is NOT an option.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday Confessions-Beautiful Belly's
I must confess, nothing beats a not-so-good day at work, than a night of fun, laughter and dancing with girlfriends! Something about laughing and dancing, or laughing while you dance, really cures what ails you, or me in this case. I signed up for Belly Dancing. Yep, I sure did and the cool thing is, as much as I've been working on getting a 6-pack; I am delighted to know that in the Belly Dancing world, a 6-pack is not required. As a matter of fact, voluptuous belly's in their most natural or un-defined state are actually beautiful, sexy even. Sure, small, thin belly's are in, but in the belly dancing world, big belly's are to be embraced and exposed!!! I may have found a comfort zone for the belly! Now, under normal circumstances, I would never consider exposing my belly, however, last night, a girlfriend said--"next week we should wear mid-driffs!" As I laughed hysterically at her suggestion, I must confess I'm actually contemplating it. You see, in belly dancing class, I could actually get away with wearing a mid-driff, but no where else! As you become more seasoned in life (read: as you age) you do gain a certain amount of confidence that you didn't previously have. However, with that, you have to be a little cautious that you don't get to over-confident and take it too far! For example, if I do decide to wear a mid-driff for belly dancing purposes only, it will be worn to class, under another longer shirt, then exposed, and re-covered prior to exiting the dance class. I am one who always "when in Rome--do as the Romans"...so, since I have the dance scarf with coins--shouldn't I add the mid-driff? I want to encourage everyone on this journey with me, to get involved in something that will really boost your spirits (get your body moving) and add some happiness to your day. Focus on the positive it will help to cancel out all the negative....be inspired and I hope you dance!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
30 Days

Give me 30 days---30 days to re-focus, re-direct, re-charge and re-discover ME. Football season and back to school causes me to shift most of my focus, time and energy towards my boys. (it's easier to maintain more of a balance-in the off season) While I still maintained an exercise routine and ran one race since the last time I blogged, football season leaves me with a ounce of energy and I use that for self-care and self-preservation. I thought I could do it ALL, but somehow, I wasn't able to. I learned a valuable lesson this football season. I CAN do it ALL, just NOT all at once and definitely NOT during football season. I also learned that when you make a promise to yourself, you should keep it....otherwise the regret isn't worth it. I don't regret much, but I do regret I didn't keep a promise I made to myself prior to football season. So, the next 30 days will be about me getting back on task, setting/readjusting some goals, and making some changes. Anybody with me? The changes can be whatever you want--and I bet after 30 days---the changes will stick!!! So, who is in?
Monday, August 16, 2010
I Think I Can!!!
I did something really kinda crazy the other day...and honestly, I'd do it again. Saturday I participated in the Marine Corps Run Amuck-3.5 mile race. Now, this is not just a run, it's a run with mud, obstacles and some Marine motivation to keep you going. Now, I was somewhat prepared for the mud and I knew what obstacles would be included, but NOTHING could prepare me for Devil Dog Run. The sign for Devil Dog Run greeted me as I entered the off road terrain, after I did about 1 mile. The first mile included a few hills (oh my) on paved road, 10 jumping jacks, a run/jump/high knees thru tires, a run thru the 1st mud pit (wow my shoes are heavy now!) and a jump/climb/crawl over hay bails. By the time I got to Devil Dog Run, I was thinking, I don't like the Devil, I don't like Dogs...and I'm really not liking this Run right about now!!!! The off road terrain was comprised of more obstacles, sit ups, flutter kicks, pipes to crawl thru and hills, which really seemed like mountains. And don't forget MORE MUD at least they said it was mud. When I had to crawl under the barbed-wire portion--the mud had an odor that reminded me of well, let's just say, NOT mud. I started thinking wow, people actually sign up for the Marines to do this stuff ALL THE TIME? oh, and it didn't help that they had Marines stationed at each obstacle and throughout the course to "motivate" us. Ha, Motivate? well, let's just say, something about being yelled at thorough a mega-fone--is really motivating or really aggrevating--you decide!!! I will say, as with everything, I thought long and hard and got a little philosophical... The sacrafices the Marines and other armed forces make for our freedom, is noteworthy, so while I was "running amuck" I did think about that and thought in amazment and gratitude. I even tried to imagine how they run that trail in the dark...(no, I didn't start running with my eyes closed!) All in all, it was a life changing experience and it not only really challenged my body, but it challenged my mind because at one point I had to revert back to the famous saying by the Little Engine that Could....I think I can, I think I can!!! I pushed myself to step outside the box and into the mud--literally--and I can say, I have a really clear picture of how to overcome obstacles (no pun intended). I encourage everyone to find something that will cause you step outside your box and overcome the obstacles! Just remember, me, the mud and the Little Engine that Could! You can do it!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Resilience & Willpower
I recently had an interesting lesson in resilience and willpower all in the form of getting rid of a reptile from my garage. Yes, reptile seems extreme, but snakes are reptiles right? Have you ever been challenged to the point where you either show resilience & willpower or you retreat? My experience with my slimmy invader was that of resilience and willpower. My strong will for him to leave and find residence elsewhere versus his resilient will to live and not retreat. The "adventures" leading up to the snake adventure and those that followed were nothing short of comical, yes, another Lucy experience!!!!!! Afterwards, when Calgon took me away, I thought about it, and said, wow that snake (Sammy) was resilient and had alot of willpower. I attempted numerous extinquishing techniques and Sammy continued to raise up like, is that all you got? I was like Glambo (Rambo, but glamorous) in my attempts. The only thing that was missing was the Uzi and the combat gear! I just wanted to stun him enough or "drown" him in my extinguishing cocktail, so I could get him OUT OF THE GARAGE!!! (for all of you thinking, grab a shovel...it just wasn't that simple-Sammy was in a bucket; and for those who are saying grab the bucket and dump it, again--it wasn't that simple). Suffice it to say, I ended up, running out of the garage, with a full bucket of my extinquishing cocktail and Sammy, and I HURLED it into the wilderness where it belonged! Needless to say, my cape needs replaced and so does my bucket. All in all, I want to encourage all of you to learn from Sammy--you should rely on (God first) resilience and willpower to get through the journey and challenges of life. Never give up despite people or circumstances trying to extinquish your will, spirit or your mission. You have the resilience and willpower, you just have to use it! The only retreat you should have is at a Spa!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Get a Life!
When we hear or say "Get a Life" it is usually for any number of reasons. Sometimes we say it to someone or about someone---sometimes somebody says it to us. Recently someone told me to "get a life" and to be honest, I was shocked and floored, because prior to them telling me this, I thought I had a life and a good one! It is always interesting to have someone tell you their perception and opinion of and about your life. Sometimes they have a good and accurate perception and sometimes they do not. Sometimes we should take it under strong advisement, sometimes we should bank the information for later reflection and sometimes we need to discard it. When I started to reflect on this declaration spoken to me--I started thinking that when we "get a life" it should be lead and directed by God, otherwise our lives are not worth getting. I will say this, everyone is not going to agree on "your life", how you live it, where you live it, and who you live it with, but what is important is--how you live your life for and with God and are you walking towards His purpose for your life? Ultimately, would God agree with "your life"? Yes, we make mistakes, we fall and we sometimes stay down too long. However, it is essential to learn from our mistakes, our falls, dust ourselves off, put a band-aid on and keep it moving. As we "get a life" we need to seek God and fall into line with His word and direction for our lives. Now that we are into the second 1/2 of the year, think for a moment...do you need to Get a Life?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Happy New Year!!!
Yes, I said Happy New Year!!! No you don't need to check your calendar or rub your eyes and say huh....It's time to re-evaluate, re-focus, re-commit and re-start or start our goals and items we would like to accomplish this year. How often do we start off the year with a "gung ho" approach to tackling resolutions or goals we set for ourselves, and by mid-year the "gung-ho" feeling has turned to "ho-hum?" Do you have items or goals that you haven't started? It's not to late. Look at those items and make a realistic plan of how to accomplish those goals. Write it out--develop a road map to follow. Get those ideas and goals on paper, it helps with accountability. If you started something or several somethings and have fizzled or lost the gusto to continue--shift how you are tackling the goal(s), maybe you need a new approach or re-evaluate if this goal is still important and feasible. Often times we start on a path to change and we have to change the path we are on and go in another direction. We should always be evolving and improving. Think about it. Consider this a chance to start or start again. Come on, grab those noise makers (and a class of champagne if you want!) and start celebrating a New Year and a New You!! Don't wait start today!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday ConFessions
It's Friday and I am glad to say it's a looonnnggg holiday weekend. True Confession--yesterday, I was so done on so many levels...but only for a moment. Everyone knows my moments last only for seconds, and nervous breakdowns have to be scheduled in advance so, I pressed on!!!! It seemed that everywhere I turned yesterday there was a red neon sign saying "you should have stayed in bed". As usual the week included a list of crazy events that only happen to me (Lucyyyyy!). For example accidently being stabbed in the hind quarter (my son really does love me); running through the woods in heels after a dog that is obviously laughing at the spectacle of me chasing her (the family dog really does hate me); two strange dogs, on two different days hanging out in my driveway, one being a Rottweiler that looked like he was foaming at the mouth; being stuck in major grid-lock traffic and being late to pick up my son that's been away at camp for 12 days; should I continue with the list, because I think you get my point. All in all, I must confess, I had to give myself a pep talk and get it together quickly. I went into self-talk mode because quitting and throwing in the towel isn't an option and neither is having a pity party. I resorted to my workout and released the craziness of the days that had been set before me. However I was reminded that some people are stuck in a ditch, rut, pit, pothole, call it what you like, some folks are stuck. I want to encourage everyone to get a shovel, a rake, a bucket, grab something, and start digging out of that hole you are in. I've talked to several of you and several of you have fallen off the wagon and can't get up!!! Here is your Life Call---GET UP, actually JUMP UP, look at that wagon, and CLIMB BACK IN. You CAN Do It! For everyone that posts about getting back in the wagon, and how they plan to get in and stay in--I will send you a little summer treat! Come on, the wagon is rolling.....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hump Day Push
When was the last time you were pushed into doing something? When was the last time you pushed someone to do something. Everyone needs a push, however, it's what we do with the push that counts. Sometimes if you are pushed off a cliff (so to speak) you have to decide if you are going to try to fly or just let gravity take you down!!! Today I got a push! (a push to do & redo several things) A co-worker/fellow (expert) runner said--"hey what are you doing Sunday morning?" and I laughed and said, "Not running a 5K!".....(I already had a feeling his question was going to lead to information about running in a race on Sunday). This discussion lead to realizing (and remembering) that you have the ability to make up your mind to do (or not do) something and conquer a goal, fear or obstacle. A lot of times mental strength will carry you through. If you think you can--you can, if you think you can't--you can't. By nature I am a "pusher"...I am usually the one pushing people to do better, be better, live better. Today I had an epiphany---every now and then I need a push. I need a push to go farther, do better and be better. I need a push to keep on keeping on and get over that hump. Sometimes we get stuck on the hump! I challenge everyone to run up the hump---stand on the top of the hump (do some jumping jacks) and then run down the hump and enjoy the victory waiting ahead!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday ConFessions Part 1
I must confess, I almost let two negative things overshadow one of the important events in my oldest son's life. Last night he graduated from elementary school and he is on his way to middle school. (wow-it seems like he was just born) As always I usually reflect on things--the day after. Today, I had to "slap" myself and "get over" the two things that were bugging me, because I realized that the devil is ever busy trying to steal joy and to overshadow good. The ceremony was inspiring and memorable. I was overjoyed (no I didn't cry) and very proud to witness seeing my son reach high academic achievement. I really wanted to yell and scream and jump up and down, but this wasn't a football game, so I stayed seated and "refined".... In the entire scheme of things, there really wasn't anything that should have taken away from this moment, but I almost let it creep in there. I was reminded that if we aren't careful, the devil will steal our joy and then we have a party stewing in the theft!!!! It was a wake up call that staying positive, being positive and thinking positive is an action and a way of life that requires work, constant work. I'm doing the work....are you?
Friday ConFessions Part 2
A few Things I Learned in 5th Grade (the second time - through my oldest son)
- Time flies and you wake up one day and realize your children are growing up.
- It is important to be open, available and have honest discussions about everything--even when the topic makes you want to run and hide.
- Kids can be mean and you have to teach your child the tools to overcome being the target of bullies, insults and mean behavior.
- Being "smart" pays off even if everyone thinks you are a Geek, including your younger brother. (ha-look at the Geek Squad!)
- Girls are mean one day and want to talk the next.
- Reading is fundamental.
- Setting Goals and Expectations are necessary for success.
- Make a decision to be who you are and proud of it no matter what people say.
- Be proud to say "I pray" and that you are a Christian.
- Prayer works!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
MonTuesday's Motivation
As I approach the eve of my oldest son's elementary school graduation, it has caused me to do some reflection. While reflecting over the last 11 (almost 12 *gasp*) years of his life, it made me think, everything in a child's life is marked my milestones. When they need shots, when they say their first word, their first tooth, when they take that first wobbly step, the first day of school, the first dance, the first date...well you get it. I started thinking--at some point they emerge into adulthood and we stop counting the milestones (usually after college graduation) unless it is their wedding or the birth of a baby, or some other life event. It made me wonder, why do we as adults stop counting milestones. Why do we stop attempting to reach milestones. I know that life, careers, children and partners, cause us to reshift our focus away from ourselves, however, I think it's important to have a parallel focus. If you do not work towards reaching milestones, it sends a message to your children and others. And if you have children--they do leave and then it's just you.... Have you noticed that most middle age people go through a phase where they "re-invent" themselves? They decide to live in an RV and travel the country. They leave steady jobs after umpteen years to go raise goats in the outback. They change themselves so drastically others sometimes don't recognize them. I think these drastic measures are the cause of them not setting and reaching intermittent parallel milestones during their early years and now they go to drastic extremes to "live". I'm saying all of this to say--don't wait until you need to make a drastic attempt to live because you are drowning as a result of your focus being tilted so far away from your needs and wants. It's time for action!!! Do it now, get out a piece of paper, a journal or notebook and start to write some milestones you want to reach. Call it what you like, but make a "bucket list", sometimes we have to do things like this to realize, tomorrow isn't promised--Live TODAY. Dance like no one is watching and enjoy the ride, even if it is a roller-coaster! (put your hands up and scream!)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Have you ever noticed that if you don't water your garden or flowers, even your lawn, they begin to wilt or depending on how long it's been, they start to die. Did you know that our bodies are like flowers? Without the proper hydration our bodies respond in a negative way. We get sluggish, we feel irritable, sometimes we get a headache; lack of water affects our organs/tissues and their ability to function properly. Our bodies are over 70% water and to maintain a healthy body it is important to drink water regularly. Yes, juice and sports drinks are viable options to help with hydration, but nothing does a body good, like water. (okay, I know the slogan is about milk) As we are approaching the warmer days of summer, I decided to remind everyone about drinking water and how to get it in. There are numerous benefits to drinking water: it helps keep your organs, tissues, and joints functioning properly; it increases your energy level; improves concentration and focus; helps increase the strength of our immune system; it rids your body of toxins and waste; it helps improve your skin and give it a healthy glow and it can help reduce overeating and eating when you are not hungry. Now aren't those some good reasons to grab some water? One of the easiest ways to get it in, is to decide how much water you need to drink and plan out when and how to drink water over the course of the day. Another suggestion, have a cute water bottle or fancy drinking cup within arms reach, filled and ready to drink. Adding lemon or lime can give water a little boost or add a low calorie flavor packet, like Crystal Light every now and then. For me, a different twist is to try the flavored sparkling waters. Don't worry about how many times you have to go to the bathroom, trust me--being properly hydrated and running to the bathroom beats the alternative. Okay, go grab something to drink---water of course.
Monday, June 7, 2010
MonTuesday's Motivation
the Blessed breakdown. Sunday, I had the blessing of sitting in my truck for about 2 hours reading a book. Now I'm sure you are wondering why I sat in my truck for 2 hours and why did I consider this a blessing. I consider it a blessing because God was probably saying I'm giving you some time to yourself and he knew this was one way I'd get it. I had dropped my boys off at the movies (they were meeting someone there) and when I returned to my truck to go run errands.....the truck wouldn't start. It was dead! Now as I sat there, I checked to make sure nothing was plugged in, like my boys games or my cell phone charger--nothing. I started thinking if there had been any warning signs--nothing. So I commenced to digging in my wallet (note to self: clean out my wallet) and found my AAA card. After calling and waiting (and enjoying my book) the friendly man showed up, tested everything and determined I needed a new battery. He explained that AAA carries them (something I never knew) but unfortunately for me---he was sold out of the one I needed. He said they had a record number of vehicles that needed the same battery and they were out of stock until Tuesday. (he said this was unheard of) He did offer several suggestions of where to get a battery and I said "at this time of day?" it was after 7, on Sunday. Thank God, he mentioned a place that was open until 8 and they install for free. I called, they had the battery and after some begging, the manager agreed to wait for me. (it was 7:30) Now you are probably wondering where the blessing is? Well, 1st of all, I was in a safe location. 2nd, I didn't have any where I needed to be and my errands could wait. 3rd, I was able to remedy the situation the same night and didn't have to miss time from work. Overall, it couldn't have happened at a better time. I had a few hours to kill while I waited for the boys and it didn't impact anything or anybody other than me. The boys didn't miss a beat and really were not affected expect for waiting for a few minutes (with hungry stomachs) while the new battery was installed. I started thinking that a lot of times when we are inconvenienced by a flat tire, a broken down vehicle on the highway or a dead battery, we curse the event, get irritated, aggravated and or impatient. But I want to encourage everyone, look for the blessing in your breakdown. The silver lining in the grey cloud so to speak. There is a blessing in everything negative or irritating that happens to us. It is up to us to find the positive in the negative. Take a battery for example--there is a positive and a negative end- both work together to supply power....just think about it!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday ConFessions
Refresh and Recharge!!! that is what I've been doing since my last post. I recently participated in two major events that required planning and effort and mix that in with everyday life, I decided to take a "pause for MY cause". The Relay for Life and running the 5K were two events (back to back weekends) that I planned for but required a lot of planning and energy. Did I mention I had the nerve to squeeze in a round of golf (in 90 degrees) the Friday before I ran the 5K. (probably not highly recommended). One thing I can say is, I'm learning to push myself beyond where I think I could. I'm learning that we can't allow our minds to limit us, we have to dare to push and try. I believe it's never to late. So, now that I'm refreshed and recharged...I'm looking for the next challenge? Any suggestions?
Monday, May 24, 2010
The 5K
I DID IT!!! correction, WE did it. My girlfriend Doris and I ran the 5K together. Everything happened so fast, a casual conversation about wanting to start running (a month ago), turned into the two of us running a 5K. Doris and all my friends now know--watch what you say around me--because I will make it happen for us!!! Yesterday was one of those experiences where you say "did I really just do that?" For some people a 5K is a measly 3.1 miles, for others it may seem insurmountable. For me, a previous "non-runner" it was a BIG deal. If you would have told me several months ago, I'd be running for fitness, let alone running in a race, I'd say NOT ME! This was a big physical and mental hurdle for me to overcome. For years, I've allowed my knees to be an excuse for not trying certain physical things. Years ago, and I do mean YEARS ago, I had knee surgery (on both knees) and I've always been afraid to push myself to see how strong my knees and body really are. What started out being a "I'm training as if I'm going to run at some point" turned out to be a "I'm running in a 5K, for real". It was almost as if I was having an out of body experience. Me running? I still can't believe it. But I did it and I trained in a little less than 5 weeks. The training itself was an experience of seeing how my body would respond, but more importantly, seeing how I improved week to week. Listening to your body was key to pushing or easing off, depending on the day. A month ago, I couldn't run 2 minutes without gasping for air or wanting to stop. I see how the body can adapt and change with the proper training. Along, with the physical training, you have to have the mental fortitude to believe you can do it and you have to have positive self-talk through the process. Overall, it was a great experience and my finishing time was 45:55. I did have to walk a few times-those rolling hills got me, but I ran more than I walked and more importantly, I DID IT!!!! so inquiring minds want to know---what's next??? stay tuned....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Journey to a 5K
I finally feel like myself again. For the past few days I've been walking around in a dense fog--almost like I was trapsing thru cobwebs. Sad thing is--in the back of my mind, I kept thinking...I need to finish training for my 5K, but my body felt like a lump of coal. My body rebelled against me in the early part of the week and I didn't resume training until yesterday!! I'm glad to say that I got on the treadmill (because of the time of day) and I picked up where I left off. I felt great, I'm up to 20 mins of running, on the treadmill. Today, I ventured outside--in 70 plus degree weather...hmmmm, what was I thinking. All I can say is, I had to keep repeating the famous verse I think I can, I think I can. I'm not sure if it was the heat, or the fact that my nasal passages decided to shut down, I could barely breath--allergy issues...but I couldn't wait to get back inside. The good thing is, I'm improving. The interesting thing is how different running on the treadmill is versus running outside. Sunday is fast approaching and I'm wondering at what point do you feel you are completely ready. Two things I know for sure---1. Sunday is coming and 2. no matter what--I will be running across the finish line. Now, here is my dilemma...what to wear!!! Stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Determined Minds, Bodies and Spirits
It's been several days since the ACS Relay for Life and I think I have finally recuperated. I want to thank my Inspired Girlfriends-Relay for Life Team for their determination and perseverance with respect to fundraising and keeping a positive, upbeat spirit through the entire event, even through the brisk hours of the night and early morning. At the last minute one team mate was unable to travel due to medical reasons and another team mate came and enjoyed the early festivities, but due to a new discovery she couldn't stay all night. When it was all said and done four of us stood at 6 a.m. for our victory photo.!!! WE DID IT!!! (we looked pretty ___ good for 6 a.m!!!! bright eyed too) We were able to raise $1700, in a very short time. The effort was incredible, e-mails, phone calls, text messages, scratch off's, talking to co-workers, family and friends--we worked hard to get donations. I now see that my $500 goal was not that hard to attain....so next year, the bar is going to be raised. I hope everyone will up the anty!!! The real highlight of the evening was the Ms. Relay lap. This is where men dress up as women and ask for donations. We raised $129 just by having Ruthelle, do his/her thing!!! Ruthelle will forever be in our hearts and minds....hopefully Ruthelle will be interested in a new look for next year! I have vowed not to show pictures--but trust--he really did represent! We incorporated our children in the event by having them participate in the Teddy Bear lap--they each carried a teddy bar around the track and then it was donated to children with cancer. I confess, I underestimated the amount of walking and how much I would feel it the next day. I also realized I have to rest up prior to the event--going in sleep deprived was not a good idea. I'm glad to say we all worked together as a team, no-one knew each other (I was the one who knew everyone). We mixed and mingled well and laughed alot---I think this could be the beginning of something.....Let's raise those cute wine glasses!!! Cheers!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday/Wednesday Motivation
Everyone is accountable for their actions, whether the actions are good, bad or ugly. (Ultimately we answer to God.) I find it interesting that so many people turn the other cheek when they see or hear wrong doing. I have witnessed this one to many times lately, at work, in the school, in the store, etc. It is as if everyone is too busy to get involved, too tired or too busy to care. I noticed that if we don't speak up for injustice or inappropriate behavior, the cycle continues. I went on a field trip Monday with 5th graders. It was shocking to me how disrespectful alot of them were towards adults. Frankly, I was surprised, it was as if they laughed in the face of correction. I have a feeling this will be my last field trip, because not only did I have to correct a few students, I had to speak to a teacher. One student was very determined to "do his own thing". He was shocked I knew his name and was baffled that I also mentioned I knew his mother, however, his mis-behavior continued. I remember back in the day, if someone knew our mother, that was enough for us to straighten up. By the way, as a result of his behavior on the field trip (several parents and teachers had to speak with him) I pulled his mom aside when I saw her, and let her know about his actions. He is a very intelligent boy, however, we all know that poor behavior overrides intelligence. Speaking to her was a bold move on my part because it could have resulted in her cussing me out or getting loud or her telling me to mind my own business. I did pray about it first and was prepared for which ever way it was going to go. I also had to speak with a teacher about a very inappropriate comment she made in the company of several parents. As parents we were shocked, but no-one felt compelled to speak with the teacher, except me. If we don't respectfully let others know that something is inappropriate, they will continue and possibly corrupt others. How about you, do you speak up or shut up? I know there are times when we must be quiet, however, the times when we should speak up, do you? Just food for thought.....
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!!
At some point we all become mothers. Whether we physically birth a child or not, we are mothers to someone, we are nurturers, caretakers, doctors, psychologists, chauffeurs, chefs; as mothers, our titles are endless. I ran across a website that is asking people to write Six Word Memoirs on Why Moms Matter....Six words, wow...give it a try. You only have six words....Good Luck. Here is the link. Share what you write. http://one.org/women/sixwords/
This is what I wrote: Taught Me To Persevere and Stand.
This is what I wrote: Taught Me To Persevere and Stand.
Friday, May 7, 2010
late night Friday conFessions
Today's confessions are taking a twist....Yes, I exercised 4 times plus played another round of golf (9 holes), however, I want to confess that, at times I probably take life, health, my freedom and my sanity for granted. Today I volunteered in my neighborhood for a project called Homes for our Troops. It is a program that builds accessible homes for severely injured soldiers. I have been wanting to get more involved in volunteering but everytime the opportunity presents itself, I am unable to do it. This time, there was no excuse--this was right in my back-yard (or front yard to be exact). I saw veterans from various tours of duty, some with visible scars, some I'm sure with mental images they will never forget. The soldier that is moving into my neighborhood and getting this new house, lost both of his legs (in Iraq) and is in his early 20's. It's amazing to think that in a split second, his life was forever changed. It made me realize how much we take simple things for granted; things like our legs and the freedom to move about as we choose. I realized that we have the freedom of going to sleep and not being tormented by images that are unfathomable. Today was really one those experiences that made me go hmmmmmmmmm. It is inspiring to see an amazing amount of people rallying together for a cause and providing support for someone in need. I want to inspire everyone to make a difference in someone's life that needs help. If you have children, get them involved too, teach them the importance of community involvement and giving back. You never know how you can touch someone's life. Today I saw first hand, that it really does take a village.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Dress for Success
My mother always taught me to make sure "you dress the part". She instilled this in me for several reasons, here are two 1. you never know who you may see or meet and 2. it shows that you are prepared for the occasion and dressed appropriately. I have taken this lesson and apply it to everything--from work to exercising to casually hanging with the boys and my friends. I believe if you have the right clothes, you will have the right mindset. The right outfit has the power to change your mood. The wrong outfit can damper your mood. One of my girlfriends laughs every time I workout because I have stated that I have "cute" work out clothes. I don't own any baggy sweats! I also pride myself on coordinated golf outfits...and I'm "unofficially" the best dressed golfer at my local golf course (according to the golf pro). I think of everyday as an opportunity to walk the runway, wherever your runway is. Think about it, if you were going to walk the runway wouldn't you give a second thought to your outfit? When you dress for success (and the part) people take you more seriously, it says "I mean business". So, for inquiring minds, this is why I dress for success.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
I'm finishing a book by Marcus Buckingham, Live Your Strongest Life. The underlying theme in his book is showing the difference between happy, successful women and unhappy, successful women. Through the book he discusses and gives examples how to achieve a state of being happy and successful. He has dialogues with both happy and unhappy women. He shockingly reports that women as a whole become more unhappy as they age; and women are more unhappy in life overall nowadays, than they were back in the 60's. He mentions that we busy ourselves with things that are not adding value to our lives and we often get sidetracked from what we really want in life. He continues to writes that what we "amplify" we focus on. Meaning, whatever your attention amplifies will be the predominate action or thought. If we focus on negativity or our weaknesses, or what we aren't doing--we will have a predominance of negativity and negative results. If we focus on positivity or the positive strides we have made, or if we keep our eye on the prize--we will have positive results. It seems to me that as women, we have to work extra hard to be, stay and maintain our happiness. I'm willing to do the work...are you? Let's go...start living your strongest life!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Journey to a 5K
I'm entering week 2 of my 5K training. Initially, when I said I would run a 5K in the "near future" I really thought it would be further out in the future...but since I took the plunge and hit the enter button...the race is coming soon (May 23). I had to revise my training plan from 5 weeks to 4 weeks. (yikes!) After doing more research and talking to some more seasoned runners, I determined I needed to take my training outside. The treadmill and I were having a great time. I was really thinking "I can do this!!!!!" I am a Runner!!!! Once I started outside I noticed a HUGE difference... I started thinking "can I really do this?" Who is a runner??? I came to the conclusion that any simulated environment (the treadmill) is always easier than the real environment (outside). For example, a fire drill is always easier than a real fire. A simulated evacuation drill is always easier than a real evacuation -- you see my point. My simulated training on the treadmill had lulled me into a false sense of reality. I have had a reality check and will do my training outside so I am more prepared. Over the weekend I did 2 mins. run--2 mins. walk (Sat) and then a 4 mins. run--2 mins. walk (Sun)--each for about 30 mins. The 4 mins./2 mins. interval was a real eye opener...but I made it through. Last night because it was late, I had to revert to my treadmill. I did 6 mins. run -- 2 min walk (for 32 mins). I could breath and I felt like a runner...Now, the real deal will be to do this OUTSIDE....whew. Have you ever seen a runner with an oxygen tank? I might be the first one---stay tuned!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Go for it Monday!
It's Monday and Today is the day to "start again" or just "start"!!!! I was texting to a girlfriend over the weekend asking her how her exercising was going and she said "don't ask". After a few texting exchanges she said she would get back on the wagon on Monday. How many times have we said, "I'll start tomorrow", or "I'll start Monday"? (I have my hand raised) Well, if we always delay our start, sometimes we don't actually start--we find excuse after excuse to delay the start or we just give up and never start or restart in some cases. If we always delay the start, we can't begin the race. If we never go to the starting line---we can't get to the finish line. Remember, it doesn't matter how long it takes to run (or walk) the race, it just matters that you finish. Come on, it's Monday...
Friday, April 30, 2010
insane Friday ConFessions
I'm just going to say it...I have reached insanity. I NEVER thought I would get to this point, but I'm insane in the membrane!!! I worked out 6 nights and included a 9 hole round of golf last night. I know crazy, isn't it? I can say, I feel empowered!! I feel great!!! I feel like I can climb Mt. Everest!..oh wait--that might be a stretch! I don't like the cold weather (as if that's the only reason). I have finally reached the point where I feel the need to work out, whether I feel like it or not. I have past the point of it being a want--it is now a need and my body and mind NEED IT. Wow--this is a huge milestone for me. I've never been this consistent with a workout plan or healthy eating. I am still working on cutting out the "whites" in my diet--that is going to be a work in progress, but I am more conscious of it now. Here is the biggest confession for the week-- I took the plunge and hit the Enter button. I ENTERED a 5K! YIKES...stay tuned, I might just get to that marathon one day....(or 1/2 marathon).
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
If someone said "name 5 things you want to do over the next 12 months"....would you be able to tell them? Do you have things you want to do? I'm sure we all do. I spend the majority of my time planning my boys schedule, looking for enriching activities (and sporting activities) and making sure they are where they need to be. We spend so much time doing for others and planning our families schedule---we rarely plan our schedule or time for ourselves. I finally came to the conclusion, I'm in charge of the scheduling, so why aren't I scheduling activities for myself--My kids and husband aren't going to schedule activities for me. I recently started looking into activities that I might enjoy and started matching up my activity dates with my boys activity dates--if there is no conflict--I'm scheduling the activity for myself. I also started becoming more diligent with what I am interested in and acting upon it. I looked back over several of my "lists" and noticed only a few things were checked off. I am now looking at my "lists" with a new approach---write it down and schedule it. The scheduling it part is the most important because otherwise it just sits there on the list and the list becomes a "wish list". I believe everyone should have a wish list, but along with the wish list, you should have a Hit List. The hit list is your target list with realistic timeframes or dates. The Hit List will be the spring-board to checking things off your list. Ready, Set Go!!!!--start your Hit List... share it if you like....(plus, when you put it out there...you have to do it--people are watching...you never know who you might inspire.)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Journey to a 5K
So, it's official...I've decided to bring out my "inner runner" and try something new. A few years ago, I made a list of things I wanted to do by a certain age....One of those things was to run a marathon. Well, that certain age, has come and gone but deep inside I still have an inkling of wanting to run a marathon, however, I would be satisfied if I could just run. I tried track back in high school, but quickly realized that wasn't for me. However, some years later (okay MUCH later) I have this strange burning desire to get into running. SO, here we go, Or here I go. After talking to another girlfriend who said she too wanted to run, we are discussing joining a running group and eventually running in a race. I couldn't talk her into golf, but she was down for the running! Well, I've decided to take the plunge and start preparing for a 5K with the anticipation that in the near future, I will actually run in one. Okay, I know, a 5K isn't that far, but for a non-runner, it is a start. Remember, small steps toward big change. I started training last night after researching for training plans. The one I picked seems easy. I made it through Day 1, with no problems. How hard is it to run 1 minute and walk 1 minute and repeat it 10 times....that was a breeze....Well, we will see how much of a breeze things are as I progress. Stay tuned!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday Motivation
I am in therapy--Treadmill Therapy. I've been hitting it hard and with a vengence lately. Since Friday night, I've been in "therapy" every night....I came to the scary conclusion today that I actually look forward to working it out on my treadmill. I started to analyze what is really up with me and this working out thing---I realized that not only am I working out my physical body, but my mind is working out too. Thoughts, ideas, visions are coming to the forefront of my brain, and ultimatley any of the stressors, issues or worries of the day are being left on my treadmill. (I pray on there too) I also know that in the months prior to this journey of change, at the end of the day, all I wanted to do was do the nestea plunge on my bed, clothes and all! I'm realizing the importance of doing for self while doing for others. Yes it is possible. I hope everyone "gets this" before they get any older. So, what have you learned during this journey? I'm still learning and looking forward to more change!!!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday ConFessions
I'm in it to Win IT....do you ever commit to something and do it 1/2 way? do you ever commit to something partially? For example... saying to yourself--I'm going to walk in the middle of a busy street and stop in the middle, or I'm going to get dressed, but only put on 1/2 of my clothes, or I'm going to cook this chicken, but only cook it 1/2 way. NO, I don't think so, are you starting to see my point. Why is it, when we make a decision to commit to healthier eating and lifestyles--it's soooo difficult? It's hard to break habits, it's hard not to impulse eat, it's hard to say NO to that second helping or to eat only a serving of ice-cream instead of two or three. The bottom line (or one of them) -- we are not truly making ourselves a priority and committing to ourselves NO MATTER WHAT. The no matter what part comes when you push yourself to make healthier choices, when everyone else is eating fried chicken. The no matter what comes when you are SOOOO Tired you can't see straight, but you force yourself to exercise. The no matter what comes when you fall off the wagon--you immediately dust yourself off and get back on. I've realized through this past few months (9 weeks to be exact) I'm getting a little radical (a little Angela Davis like) with my workouts and making sure I'm getting them in...No Matter What! I'm about to get more radical with my eating and exercising. I've been doing well, but as my doctor suggested I should cut out all things white. (good thing chocolate ice-cream is my favorite-ha ha ha) So, here is my confession and declaration. Last night I hit work out #4....so with that...I'm moving on up--Like George and Weezie!!! I'm going to four workouts a week. (who said that? did I just say that?) As far as cutting out the whites...I'm going to work on that--stay tuned. Okay---your turn...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Help Day Helpers
Cheerleaders or Hecklers??? Ever notice there are two types of people when it comes to sharing and pursing your dreams or goals? Those who cheer you on and those who discourage or do not support you--Hecklers. We all need to make sure we have a cheerleader in our corner! It is important to counteract the hecklers with cheerleaders. Hecklers can be used to motivate us, however, depending on the heckler, sometimes we listen and stop pursuing our dreams or goals. There are also times when we heckle ourselves when we really need to be our own cheerleader. I want to encourage everyone to keep pressing toward your goals and dreams. If you are off course heading toward your dream, get back on course. If you are being heckled, turn a deaf ear, grab a megaphone and start cheering! Come on,
Give me an I, give me a C-A-N, give me a DO, give me an IT!!!!
Rah Rah Rah!!!! GO TEAM!!!!
Give me an I, give me a C-A-N, give me a DO, give me an IT!!!!
Rah Rah Rah!!!! GO TEAM!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday Motivation
Insider Information...we have heard this term with regards to security breaches, insider trading stories and reports of leaks of valuable information to the public. "Insiders" can tell a lot about what is going on, on the "inside" that others can not see..... Let's use the insider analogy to look at our physical beings. Everything that is taking place on the inside of our bodies, may not be apparent on the outside. Usually when we have a pain or a physical ailment it is the result of something that was going on long before we noticed the symptom(s). It is important to pay attention to the signs and symptoms we feel and stop to investigate them. As women it is even more important that we get a yearly physical, mammogram, and gynecological exam. Men have a different set of physical exam requirements, but a physical should be a standard yearly event. All of these are essential to keep us healthy as well as abreast of what is going on inside our bodies. There are a lot of things we are susceptible to that don't have obvious outward symptoms or signs; and if we are experiencing something, we usually shrug it off, or ignore it. I always get my annual mammogram and gynecological exam, but I have not been getting an annual physical. I finally got one and I'm glad I did. There is NO way to know what is going on inside, without having a physical and having blood work drawn and evaluated. That is one of the keys to having a successful health plan. There are deficiencies that are detected in our blood that we may not know we have, in addition to other tests that are run for thyroid function and cholesterol, as well as any thing else they may be trying to determine might be an issue. If you haven't had one or more of the above exams I have mentioned, stop what you are doing, call and make an appointment(s). It's a matter of life or.......well, you get the point!!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Friday ConFessions
I had an epiphany last night as I was preparing for my second workout of the week. I was thinking hmmmm, I'm supposed to work out three times a week now (since I made that declaration two weeks ago) and I'm one behind. So I had a choice, prepare to confess I only got two in, or get up early today and get one more in. At that moment when I was debating what to do, a slogan popped into my mind...."Put your money where your mouth is!" This was a Close-Up toothpaste commercial and slogan used back in the late 70's. However, this statement is still used and rings true today. I had to remind myself that I made a declaration and I had to put my money where my mouth is. I thought I have to follow through on my goals and continue to do it and not allow for ANY excuses. I have made a promise to myself to take better care of "me", mentally, physically and spiritually (almost by any means necessary). As a result, I am going to continue to put my money where my mouth is!!!! and YES, I got that third workout in this morning!!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Get Back ON the wagon!!! I've received a few e-mails and read a few posts from some of the girlfriends that have fallen off the wagon or they are having difficulty staying on the wagon. Let me encourage you by saying, no matter how you fell out and no matter how long you've been off the wagon....YOU CAN GET BACK ON!!!! For those whose wagon ride is bumpy--hang on, keep riding!!! As women, we deal with a lot of things, mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. We have a lot of responsibilities. We try to be all things and try to do all things for everyone, but ourselves!!!! Alot of things derail us and throw us off the wagon. Stress, illness, work, life issues, children, spouses/partners you name it--IT can cause you to be thrown from the wagon or at least make for a bumpy ride. The important thing is--HOLD on...and if you fall off do not STAY off the wagon. As soon as you fall off, get back on. Remember, you can always get back on and continue the ride. We all get thrown and it's difficult to dust ourselves off and climb back into that wagon. When this happens, we need to get back into the wagon quickly--here are some tips to help motivate you.
- Look how far you've come...you are making progress, keep going.
- Do something different. Try a new exercise routine.
- Buy a new exercise outfit--this does wonders for you physically and mentally. We should all look cute while working out. (Throw away those baggy sweats!)
- Put on some music and dance.
- Write down how you fell off the wagon and what you need to do to get back on. Then make sure you do it!
- Talk to others how they stay on the wagon---and if/when they fall off--how do they get back on.
- Let go of the guilt of falling off. Guilt will only keep you off the wagon. Let it go!
Okay, come on, grab my hand, I'm pulling you back onto the wagon!!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
MonTuesday Motivation
Sorry, I'm tardy for the party. So, let's get crackin' on the motivation! When you hear a good song, whether it's an old school song or this new jack swing they call music....what do you do? Do you start dancing or does it transport you and your mind to another place? Music is meant to do a variety of things, usually it sets the mood or tone for things to come. Nothing can help get rid of the blues like good music. Nothing is better than a good beat and a dance floor. I noticed that whatever is going on in people's lives- good, bad or ugly-music has the ability to change the mood, if only for the 3 minutes the song is playing. Dancing like no-one is watching is also a healthy activity....it gets your heart rate going, it distracts you from what's bothering you and it will improve your mood!! I encourage everyone to find a song, or a list of songs that you can listen to that will transport you to a happy place, or help you maintain the happy place you are in...Go ahead--Dance like no-one is watching!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday conFessions
Are you living off the wall? Or are you stuck to the wall like wallpaper? Remember back in the day when you either hung onto the wall at a party, or you got dragged/pulled or lured out onto the dance floor? I ask this because this morning I heard (and jammed to) Michael Jackson's song Off the Wall. I started thinking about the phrase "livin' off the wall". I was reminded that it's important to get off the wall--get into the game--go do something!!!! Some of us stay on the wall watching, while others get pulled/pushed or motivated to get off the wall. Which one are you? This journey has reminded me to get off the wall and stay off the wall! Try new things, get moving in a different direction, be a risk taker (yikes!). Once you get off the wall, you"ll see life ain't so bad at all. (well, Michael said something like that). I say all of that to say---I made my goal of exercising 3 times this week, and I lived VERY much off the wall by going golfing with a group of women I've never met. Talk about an off the wall experience! Okay, it's your turn--go ahead, live off the wall!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
A Hump Day Push
As I was walking to my building this morning, I saw a green plant growing through the tightly laid cobblestone/bricks that line all the sidewalks around my office campus. This green plant was a vivid green and it caught my eye because it was so bright and it was growing in between the bricks. I continued to walk, looking down to see if there were any more growing, and as I continued, I saw no more evidence of plant life, in between the bricks. I thought wow, that plant is resilient, determined and strong---it fought its way in between the bricks, so that it could grow. It was encouraging because I thought, we have the ability to push through obstacles and still stand. We can use our resilience to push through and we can use our strength to stand tall. Both resilience and strength are useful traits to overcoming obstacles, but also to use them to continue to push forward towards our exercise and healthy eating goals. No matter where you are on this journey---keep going---keep progressing forward---be like the green plant--push through and stand tall.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday Motivation
Just Do It. This is going to be one of my mantras for awhile. I'm done talking about what I want to do or what I need to do, because I realize talking doesn't get anything done, only Action does. With that said, I have declared that I will be exercising at least 3 times a week. This is my personal goal and at some point it will increase. I'm doing this for ME, so that I can reduce my chance of heart disease (the no. 1 killer of women), I'm doing this for ME, so I can make sure I am fit and healthy as I age. I'm doing this for ME, because if I don't take care of my body, it will Fail ME, and I don't have time to be down for the count.
I'm excited for those of you who have jumped on the 3 days a week bandwagon with me, while others are still trying to get in some type of exercise on a regular basis. I'm glad everyone is making small steps for big change. Remember taking the stairs instead of the elevator, counts. Carrying mulch from the car to the yard, counts. Parking at the far end of the parking lot counts. Those 10 minutes it takes to walk from your car to your building, counts (add some pep to your step). Let me encourage everyone, that the goal of this exchange is to get moving...move more than you were when you started this over 6 weeks ago and to get healthier. Make a conscious effort to take care of your body, mind and soul. Numerous studies have shown that diet and exercise can lead to healthier living and reduced medical issues and costs. When you nourish the mind and soul it helps with stress reduction and assists with making better decisions. Everyone on this journey to change has a schedule that is packed to the max. With our maxed out, filled to the rim schedules, we need to remember to take care of ourselves. We need to recharge our batteries on a regular basis. We all have a To Do List, whether it is mental or written down. Is your name on your To Do List? It's time we put ourselves on our To Do List. I challenge everyone to get out your To Do List--and add "ME" to the top!
I'm excited for those of you who have jumped on the 3 days a week bandwagon with me, while others are still trying to get in some type of exercise on a regular basis. I'm glad everyone is making small steps for big change. Remember taking the stairs instead of the elevator, counts. Carrying mulch from the car to the yard, counts. Parking at the far end of the parking lot counts. Those 10 minutes it takes to walk from your car to your building, counts (add some pep to your step). Let me encourage everyone, that the goal of this exchange is to get moving...move more than you were when you started this over 6 weeks ago and to get healthier. Make a conscious effort to take care of your body, mind and soul. Numerous studies have shown that diet and exercise can lead to healthier living and reduced medical issues and costs. When you nourish the mind and soul it helps with stress reduction and assists with making better decisions. Everyone on this journey to change has a schedule that is packed to the max. With our maxed out, filled to the rim schedules, we need to remember to take care of ourselves. We need to recharge our batteries on a regular basis. We all have a To Do List, whether it is mental or written down. Is your name on your To Do List? It's time we put ourselves on our To Do List. I challenge everyone to get out your To Do List--and add "ME" to the top!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday ConFessions
The Early Bird catches the worm....that seems to be the consensus of those who are getting in their workouts more than twice a week and on a consistent basis. I'm a morning person and I like to get up and get things done early. I guess adding my work out to the morning might not be too bad especially since after work/school activities is proving to be difficult to add my workout in. For the past few weeks, I've been getting my 2nd workout in (barely), by getting up earlier on Friday. Next week is Spring Break for the boys, so in honor of that (tee hee) I'm stepping up my game. I'm going to increase my workouts to 3 times a week (there I said it). Anyone wanna join me? I'm just gonna be like Nike and DO IT. No more thinking about it, no more talking about it, I'm just going to DO IT. Come on...who's in?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Brain Gym...we are all familiar with gyms or facilities where we exercise our bodies, but how often to we exercise our brains. I mean break the routine and really challenge ourselves intellectually. At my sons school, they have what is called Brain Gym--it's a series of physical activities that require that they cross the mid-line of their bodies as well as other physical tasks that make the right and left brain interact. This is designed to stimulate brain activity and wake up the brain to think differently and more focused. How often do we just veg out at the end of the day? We just want to chill, turn off the workday or the noise and relax. Well, when was the last time you stimulated your brain. I mean picked up the Wall Street Journal, did Sudoku, completed a crossword puzzle, watched a documentary, or in some cases try this "new math" they are teaching now? It's important that as we work to challenge our bodies physically, that we don't forget about our brains. Go ahead--Think of something you can do to challenge your brain. Don't forget to share what you did.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday Motivation
Happy rainy Monday!!! I want everyone to picture a box. Go ahead, look inside, imagine you are in the box. I want you to decorate your box, imagine some color on the interior of the box, put some furniture in it, go ahead sit down. Get comfortable!!!! Feels good right? We all have "a box" that we live in, we maneuver through and sometimes we even invite others to join us in our "box". We all get comfortable with our boxes, and when we grow tired of our box, we usually redecorate, or rearrange things until we like the way our box looks again. Sometimes, we need to STEP OUTSIDE the BOX, to get another perspective, redirect our thoughts and focus as well as to make changes. Stepping outside the box involves taking a risk and overcoming fear. Once you step outside, it enlightens you to new discoveries and experiences. When was the last time you stepped outside the box? I encourage everyone to step outside the box, get a different view, and see what happens once you are OUTSIDE the box!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Friday ConFessions
It's FRIDAY!!!! and as usual, I am glad to see it arrive. Spring has Sprung and even though it brings alot of liquid sunshine, I am glad for warmer temperatures. I seem to be in a groove with getting one of my workouts done early in the week, then getting up earlier on Friday to complete the second workout. I need to break this cycle though. I had hoped to have increased my exercising to three times per week, but that hasn't happened. I'm still hopeful that with the days ahead, I will be able to increase to three times per week. Anyone exercising more than twice per week? If so, share how you make time.... As far as the eating, doing well, making good choices, but I need to do better with eating dinner every evening. I've skipped a few dinners because of the boys schedule, or because I'm not hungry. Don't worry--the Boys eat. I am glad that I'm resisting emotional/stress eating and grabbing a Coke. I did have a bout with impulsive eating--damn those girl scout cookies.! Well, that's all folks...Your turn.....
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Happy Hump Day. Usually Wednesday feel like slump day...Ever feel that mid-afternoon slump? Most people feel a drop in energy level anytime between 2-5 in the afternoon. We feel drained, lethargic, and basically want to take a nap. Here are some tips to beat the mid-afternoon slump.
- Start each day with a good breakfast, which includes a mix of carbs and protein. Women should eat about 300-400 calories at breakfast (recommended-WebMD).
- Carbs help get you going (energy) and protein fuels the brain and muscles. The combination of carbs and protein helps to increase concentration levels.
- Eat a well balanced lunch, no matter how busy you are, lunch is essential to help beat the afternoon slump. It might even prevent that afternoon headache.
- Eat light at lunch, a mix of carbs and protein is recommended. Heavy lunches or lunches with a lot of fat help increase that lethargic feeling.
- Take a walk outside
- Drink some water
- Have a healthy mid-afternoon snack.
- yogurt with granola
- select peanut butter crackers instead of a candy bar
- trail mix with nuts (skip the one with the M-n-M's, my personal favorite)
- eat fresh fruit or veggies
- And of course, a 20 min. power nap, if possible. (don't try this at work!)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Monday's Motivation
We have entered week 5 and should have some new and improved changes taking a foothold in our lives. We should be in a groove, right? Usually just as soon as we think we've gotten into a groove, we hit a pothole, encounter a detour and sometimes, we fall completely off the wagon. It is those times when we need to GET UP, go back, re-evaluate our goals and sometimes adjust them or redefine them. Remember, it doesn't matter how many times we fall, but it's important to Get Back UP!!!!! Just like when we were learning how to ride a bike...How many times did you fall off, before you were riding? Once you got the hang of it, you were riding and enjoying the ride! Think about it.... Okay, time to get back on the bike...and RIDE!!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday conFessions
We did it!!!! We are a month down the road to change. How's the journey going for you? Any new revelations about yourself or your goals? Notice anything different about your attitude or your body? Anybody saying "why am I doing this?" I hope the past month has allowed you to implement some changes for the good and start to eliminate some things that may have been unhealthy or not as good for you. I am proud to say, it's been a FULL MONTH since I've indulged in drinking a Coke and trust me, I've been challenged to want to go grab one or two!! In addition, at this moment, I have a CASE of it at home, thanks to my parents who are visiting. BUT I have had a mind shift and I am now able to not grab that Coke as a comforter as I once did. Exercising has been challenging, I won't make excuses or list reasons, but I have successfully managed to get the minimum required two times for 30 mins. per week in. It's been hard though and honestly the past 3 Friday's I've been up in the morning exercising to be in compliance with the requirement I set up. As far as the eating, I'm making much healthier choices, eating more fruit and veggies...and I stopped indulging in the Friday Fish Fry at work and the occasional hot dog and fries for lunch. Okay, your turn. Holla at your girl!!! How you doin?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Ever been stressed out or emotionally in a low place and you grab something to eat or drink. Before you know it, you are like "why did I eat that?" or, "why did I eat so much of that?" Same thing with drinks, whether it be non-alcoholic or alcoholic. For me, Coke was my MAIN thing to grab if I was stressed or bothered by something. Of course Coke, isn't the worse thing to gravitate towards, but you get my point. For some it's a pint of ice cream, some an entire package of Oreos, for others it could be more serious. Ever eat something just because it was right in front of you, or you smell food and then want food, even if you aren't hungry. What do you do to avoid emotional or impulse eating? Here are a few tips to beat impulse or stress induced eating. Once you try one of these tips, you will be less likely to indulge.
- say a prayer
- take a walk, get some fresh air
- chew a piece of gum or have a mint
- take deep breaths
- call a friend
- drink some water
- keep raw veggies around and chomp on a few of them
- eat a piece of fruit
- write a note or letter to someone (when was the last time anyone did that?)
- start a food journal and write down when you want to eat because you are stressed and what you are feeling. see if you can track a pattern.
- work on a hobby
Monday, March 15, 2010
Monday Motivation
Habits are hard to break! But the good news is, they can be broken. There are numerous resources available to help people break habits. We are in Week 4 and I know we all have set goals to break old habits and start new and improved habits. Breaking a habit takes steps, sometimes the steps are lengthy, sometimes short, depending on the habit, our will power and our use of resources. Researchers say it takes anywhere from 21-30 consecutive days to start or change a habit. Based on the feedback I've been getting, everyone is one the road to breaking bad/old habits and starting good habits. Stay on the path, keep progressing and even when you get off course, return to the path quickly. Remember, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to finish, just make sure you get to the finish line!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday conFessions
Wow...we've completed 3 weeks. Stand up and give yourselves a hand!!!! Earlier this week, I took advantage of the weather and walked outside for 40 mins. I even decide to jog/run up a hill thinking I was Rocky....hmmm what was I thinking. Thanks to Doris, I decided to try FitTv. I enjoyed my early morning workout with Gilad, however, I wasn't prepared for commercial breaks. Am I supposed to keep working out during the commericals, or sit down and catch my breath? True confession: I planned to work out 3 times this past week, but only made the 2 time requirement; however, one day I did extend my time to 40 mins. and I worked out with Gilad and that was a stretch to keep up. I thank Gilad for letting me know that I can use my own limbs as weights! So, how is it going for you?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Fredericksburg:
Please sign up to join the team Inspired Girlfriends to participate in the Relay for Life, May 15-16. It's from 4:30 p.m.-6:00 a.m. Yes it is all night--reason being, Cancer never sleeps...This is a great cause and a great experience to make a difference. Please join me. If you can't join us during the relay, please consider making a donation. As our team forms, I will send out details and more information. I also have fundraising ideas that I learned from the Team meeting. Click on this link: The American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Fredericksburg:
Get OVER the Hump!
Are you in a rut, do you need a change of pace, are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? When you begin to feel any of those things, it's time to Shake Things UP! Change causes us to rethink, refocus and shift our thoughts and behavior to make things different. Did you know that complaining takes up more time and energy (negative energy) than actually sitting down and coming up with a plan of change. Notice when you complain-it's like a chain reaction, you tell one person, then you tell two, and then the complaint becomes the song of the day playing over and over in your head. With any complaint, there should be a solution or plan to resolve that complaint. When you are in a rut, you must decide to change. Don't stay in the rut. Here are some suggestions on how to Shake Things Up:
- Step outside the Box. Get out of your comfort zone and do something different.
- Change your exercise routine so you don't get bored. Try a dance class or since the weather is changing-go outside, go to a park--grab your bike and hit a trail.
- Add different fruits and vegetables to your diet. Try something new.
- Grab a favorite recipe and evaluate how you can make it healthier. Replace some higher calorie or fat items, with lower calorie of lower fat items. See if you can tell the difference. Do you like it?
- Look at water as a vital ingredient to life. Water Gives Life and Energy to your body, cells and organs and keeps it healthy. Drinking water can change the entire way your body feels and responds-all for the better. It helps you look and feel younger too!
- Look in your pantry for foods that are triggers for over-indulging or foods that are less healthy. Look for healthier alternatives.
- Write down your goals and realistic steps to get there. This will help make the vision plain as well as add some accountibility to your plan.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Monday Motivation
Ready, Set, Go!!!! It's time to conquer another work week and face new opportunites and challenges. When you start your day, do you start it with a mindset of positivity and a spirit of I can conquer anything that comes my way? Do you feel like a conqueror? If you think you can you will, if you think you can't you won't. Remember your words and thoughts have power. Only you can determine how you respond and react. You may not have complete control over your current situation, co-workers or enviornment, but you can control how you interact within each circumstance. You also have a choice to change. When you can't immediately change your situation, change your mind! Go ahead--go out and conquer!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Friday conFessions
This week was a blur. Time to fess up....How you doin?
Can you say-GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!!!! whew. I am proud to say I've been Coke free for 2 weeks. This week as far as food planning was a BUST. I mentally planned to make good choices and I did, however, I failed to bring my lunch for the entire week. Oops, I did make a trip to Five Guys out of desparation of it being a late night and have two starving boys that just practiced really hard for their tournament. Not to mention Five Guys is next door to their Tae Kwon Do Studio. Ok--DO NOT LAUGH-I ask the man at Five Guys--"do you have Veggie Burgers". Okay--He CRACKED UP! Well, I ate a little burger with cheese, but I opted not to have the bacon. I did have a few fries, but not my usual quantity and the major thing for me was, I bypassed the Coke...big step for me. I squeezed in my exercise--but barely. I'm stepping up my time next week!
Incentive Time: since it appears that drinking water is a challenge for many of us. For those who want an added incentive--set a water intake amount goal--stick to it over the next week and you will get a "little prize". In order to "qualify" you must make your goal public (to me or the blog) and send an update next week.
Alright---Go and conquer!!!
Can you say-GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!!!! whew. I am proud to say I've been Coke free for 2 weeks. This week as far as food planning was a BUST. I mentally planned to make good choices and I did, however, I failed to bring my lunch for the entire week. Oops, I did make a trip to Five Guys out of desparation of it being a late night and have two starving boys that just practiced really hard for their tournament. Not to mention Five Guys is next door to their Tae Kwon Do Studio. Ok--DO NOT LAUGH-I ask the man at Five Guys--"do you have Veggie Burgers". Okay--He CRACKED UP! Well, I ate a little burger with cheese, but I opted not to have the bacon. I did have a few fries, but not my usual quantity and the major thing for me was, I bypassed the Coke...big step for me. I squeezed in my exercise--but barely. I'm stepping up my time next week!
Incentive Time: since it appears that drinking water is a challenge for many of us. For those who want an added incentive--set a water intake amount goal--stick to it over the next week and you will get a "little prize". In order to "qualify" you must make your goal public (to me or the blog) and send an update next week.
Alright---Go and conquer!!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Planning, Preparation, and Perseverance are keys to success. We've all been in a meeting or training session and it seems as if the facilatator isn't prepared. We all remember having to take tests and we know we need to study but haven't studied properly or planned our time for studying wisely.
Being prepared can help with reducing anxiety and stress, in addition to helping make good decisions. You know what happens when you are hungry and go grocery shopping, or you go without a list-we get home and reflect-what did I buy?.... When you are working on improving your eating habits, being prepared can help conquer rash and poor decisions as well as overeating. When you plan your meals in advance, plan snacks and even pre-plan for when someone offers you something that isn't in line with your "meal plan", you increase your chances of staying on track. Staying on track also requires perseverance. Keep your eye on the prize. Yes, we will be tempted, yes we will fall off the wagon, but we can't stay in the wagon indulging in our tempter. Remember to plan, prepare and persevere! Now go and be conquerors!!!
Being prepared can help with reducing anxiety and stress, in addition to helping make good decisions. You know what happens when you are hungry and go grocery shopping, or you go without a list-we get home and reflect-what did I buy?.... When you are working on improving your eating habits, being prepared can help conquer rash and poor decisions as well as overeating. When you plan your meals in advance, plan snacks and even pre-plan for when someone offers you something that isn't in line with your "meal plan", you increase your chances of staying on track. Staying on track also requires perseverance. Keep your eye on the prize. Yes, we will be tempted, yes we will fall off the wagon, but we can't stay in the wagon indulging in our tempter. Remember to plan, prepare and persevere! Now go and be conquerors!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday Motivation
It's Monday!!!! How many of you grumbled this morning when you woke up and realized the weekend was over and it's time to get the work-week started? Did you need an extra few minutes to snooze? Did you need an extra shot of expresso to get going? You know that we have the mental power to change how we feel about a day, a situation or a person. Words and thoughts have power--positive or negative. For some reason I woke up with this song in my head "rise and shine and give God the glory, glory, rise and shine and give God the glory, glory..." My mother used to sing that to get me out of the bed in the morning. You can imagine my reaction back then, but now it all makes sense. Wake up with a song on your heart and get the day going! What song will you sing? Come on, Rise and Shine---Let's conquer the MonDAY!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday conFessions
We have made it a full week and I am excited that you all have joined me. The possibilities for transformation are endless! I am happy to report that I worked out 3 times this week. Sunday was for 15 mins on the treadmill, because Mr. President was worried I would OVERDUE it, to soon, to fast. However, while the President is away, the First Lady got busy on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the Elliptical, Treadmill and 5 pound weights to work on my Michelle Obama arms. I did the required 30 mins, which included the arms.
Here is what I changed this week: I haven't had a Coke, since LAST FRIDAY. I have made healthier lunch choices and increased my fruits and veggies to my daily intake. By the way, I will give $1 to anyone who can tell me what was in the Veggie Burger I ate today--corn, beans...um, not sure what else. I didn't drown with the amount of water I consumed which is a bonus--but I realize I must stop drinking water around 2, if I don't want to pull off of I-95 on my way home! Life on the road to change was good this week.
Here is what I changed this week: I haven't had a Coke, since LAST FRIDAY. I have made healthier lunch choices and increased my fruits and veggies to my daily intake. By the way, I will give $1 to anyone who can tell me what was in the Veggie Burger I ate today--corn, beans...um, not sure what else. I didn't drown with the amount of water I consumed which is a bonus--but I realize I must stop drinking water around 2, if I don't want to pull off of I-95 on my way home! Life on the road to change was good this week.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Every now and then, we need help getting OVER the hump. Today's hump day helper will be about Water intake. (and for those who have received their "added bonus" for joining this journey, this is right on time---the rest of you, I'm dropping them in the mail...)
Check out this link about How to Drink More Water... I found it interesting, especially about the amount of water to drink daily. http://www.wikihow.com/Drink-More-Water-Every-Day
Be inspired!!! (to drink more water)
Sisterly, Marcia
Moday Motivation
Anyone start making changes yet????
Well, I for one, have...I dusted off my treadmill and tested it out and I'm working on my Michelle Obama arms...I've also started to change my eating habits...I left my lunch today, but no worries...I decided to go buy a salad from the cafeteria...TOO bad the chicken in my salad was SPOILED!!!! lesson learned...remember to bring my lunch tomorrow.
Another girlfriend on this journey sent these tips...
Dr. Oz says that these are the 5 Superfoods that you should eat/drink on a regular:
Tumeric Tea
Greek Greens (Mustard Greens, Fennel)
Barramundi (Fish)
I know, some of this stuff sounds like it's from another planet---but it's worth looking into!!!
Any tips, suggestions, challenges or ideas-please send them.
Have a great day--and remember...small steps still get you to your destination!
be inspired girlfriends!!!!
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- Hump Day Helpers
- Monday Motivation
- Friday conFessions
- The American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Fr...
- Get OVER the Hump!
- Monday Motivation
- Friday conFessions
- Hump Day Helpers
- Monday Motivation