Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday conFessions

This week was a blur.  Time to fess up....How you doin?

Can you say-GLAD IT'S FRIDAY!!!! whew.  I am proud to say I've been Coke free for 2 weeks.  This week as far as food planning was a BUST. I mentally planned to make good choices and I did, however, I failed to bring my lunch for the entire week.  Oops, I did make a trip to Five Guys out of desparation of it being a late night and have two starving boys that just practiced really hard for their tournament.  Not to mention Five Guys is next door to their Tae Kwon Do Studio.  Ok--DO NOT LAUGH-I ask the man at Five Guys--"do you have Veggie Burgers".  Okay--He CRACKED UP!  Well, I ate a little burger with cheese, but I opted not to have the bacon.  I did have a few fries, but not my usual quantity and the major thing for me was,  I bypassed the Coke...big step for me.   I squeezed in my exercise--but barely.  I'm stepping up my time next week!

Incentive Time: since it appears that drinking water is a challenge for many of us.  For those who want an added incentive--set a water intake amount goal--stick to it over the next week and you will get a "little prize".  In order to "qualify" you must make your goal public (to me or the blog) and send an update next week.

Alright---Go and conquer!!!


  1. This week was a blur.... The week passed too quickly. If I am allowed to count running to the train station at 5:00 in the morning like Wilma Rudolph twice this week that would be GREAT! Aside from my miscalculation of time this week, I was able to squeeze in my 2 thirty minute workouts on the Wii Fit. I got my copy of the Wii Fit Plus this week. If anyone wants to try to figure out how to work out together virtually, let me know. I am going to try to figure out how that works this weekend.

    The hard thing for me this week was the water intake once again. I am not getting enough of it. My hope is to do better this upcoming week.

    As far as my eating changes, I have tried to cut back on how late I am eating in the evening. I am going into week 3 with no carbonated beverages and a decreased sugar intake. The other night I got home really late and had not eaten dinner and I wanted some fried chicken badly; I opted for baby carrots, sliced cucumbers and an ounce of sharp cheddar cheese and some triscuits.

  2. This week went pretty well. I got my two workouts in fine. That was no problem in fact I did a little extra. I am still working on not eating so late and I did very well until last night. I did better though because I ate apple slices instead of eating something heavy like I normally would. My water intake is always really good so that isnt a problem for me. But for the people who are having a problem I found something new. I was reading Marcia's hump day helper about water intake and it was saying that you could blend a seedless watermelon and use that as part of your intake. Well over the weekend I found out that Dole makes a 100% watermelon juice. It is an acquired taste. It taste just like watermelon. I liked it. Also, this week I decided to join Marcia in the relay for cancer. This will be an incentive for me to really get my workouts in so that I can be successful in May during the relay. I want to be ready to do my part. I hope to meet some of you there.

    @Shandelin- I will see what I can find out about working out virtually on the Wii Fit Plus I would love to join you!! Let me know what you find out!

  3. @Shandelin- I cant find anywhere where it says that you can work out virtually. Let me know what you find out!
