Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hump Day Helpers

Planning, Preparation, and Perseverance are keys to success.  We've all been in a meeting or training session and it seems as if the facilatator isn't prepared.  We all remember having to take tests and we know we need to study but haven't studied properly or planned our time for studying wisely. 
Being prepared can help with reducing anxiety and stress, in addition to helping make good decisions.  You know what happens when you are hungry and go grocery shopping, or you go without a list-we get home and reflect-what did I buy?....  When you are working on improving your eating habits, being prepared can help conquer rash and poor decisions as well as overeating.  When you plan your meals in advance, plan snacks and even pre-plan for when someone offers you something that isn't in line with your "meal plan", you increase your chances of staying on track.  Staying on track also requires perseverance.  Keep your eye on the prize.  Yes, we will be tempted, yes we will fall off the wagon, but we can't stay in the wagon indulging in our tempter.  Remember to plan, prepare and persevere!   Now go and be conquerors!!!


  1. I think that it is ohhhhh so important to plan out your day when it comes to eating it really helps.......... I try to eat every 2 hours something small that way I am never hungry and it has really been working for me over the last 2 years!!!!!!

    Mia Jefferson
    Pgh PA

  2. I too try to plan out my day as far as what I eat goes. I eat every 2-3 hours. Usually those are small meals with 2 oz. of protein and a half a piece of fruit or some sort of veggie. It really takes some effort to do this though. I find that on the days that I do not plan my food intake for the day is terrible. An example of my menu for today is as follows:


    Cheese Mushroom and Onion Omelet
    3 egg whites
    1/2 cup mushrooms, 14 cup sweet onions (sautéed)
    1 oz of sharp cheddar cheese (shredded)

    1/2 Apple

    Mid Morning

    2 oz grilled chicken
    1 clementine


    2 oz grilled chicken
    1 cup brussel sprouts
    1/2 sweet potato

    Mid Afternoon

    1 cheese stick
    small garden salad


    3 oz tilapia grilled
    1/2 cup quinoa
    1 cup green beans


    Yoplait fruit smoothie

    Now that may seem like a lot of food but if you were tracking points on weight watchers it equals 18 points or if you are counting calories it is equal to 1500 calories.

    Planning is defiantly key for me. As I prepare dinner in the evening I also make and pack my food for the next day. When I get lazy and don’t do this, I set myself up for failure.
