Monday, June 7, 2010
MonTuesday's Motivation
the Blessed breakdown. Sunday, I had the blessing of sitting in my truck for about 2 hours reading a book. Now I'm sure you are wondering why I sat in my truck for 2 hours and why did I consider this a blessing. I consider it a blessing because God was probably saying I'm giving you some time to yourself and he knew this was one way I'd get it. I had dropped my boys off at the movies (they were meeting someone there) and when I returned to my truck to go run errands.....the truck wouldn't start. It was dead! Now as I sat there, I checked to make sure nothing was plugged in, like my boys games or my cell phone charger--nothing. I started thinking if there had been any warning signs--nothing. So I commenced to digging in my wallet (note to self: clean out my wallet) and found my AAA card. After calling and waiting (and enjoying my book) the friendly man showed up, tested everything and determined I needed a new battery. He explained that AAA carries them (something I never knew) but unfortunately for me---he was sold out of the one I needed. He said they had a record number of vehicles that needed the same battery and they were out of stock until Tuesday. (he said this was unheard of) He did offer several suggestions of where to get a battery and I said "at this time of day?" it was after 7, on Sunday. Thank God, he mentioned a place that was open until 8 and they install for free. I called, they had the battery and after some begging, the manager agreed to wait for me. (it was 7:30) Now you are probably wondering where the blessing is? Well, 1st of all, I was in a safe location. 2nd, I didn't have any where I needed to be and my errands could wait. 3rd, I was able to remedy the situation the same night and didn't have to miss time from work. Overall, it couldn't have happened at a better time. I had a few hours to kill while I waited for the boys and it didn't impact anything or anybody other than me. The boys didn't miss a beat and really were not affected expect for waiting for a few minutes (with hungry stomachs) while the new battery was installed. I started thinking that a lot of times when we are inconvenienced by a flat tire, a broken down vehicle on the highway or a dead battery, we curse the event, get irritated, aggravated and or impatient. But I want to encourage everyone, look for the blessing in your breakdown. The silver lining in the grey cloud so to speak. There is a blessing in everything negative or irritating that happens to us. It is up to us to find the positive in the negative. Take a battery for example--there is a positive and a negative end- both work together to supply power....just think about it!
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Good one :-)
ReplyDeleteIt's nice when He slows us down...Mary