Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Hump Day Push
When was the last time you were pushed into doing something? When was the last time you pushed someone to do something. Everyone needs a push, however, it's what we do with the push that counts. Sometimes if you are pushed off a cliff (so to speak) you have to decide if you are going to try to fly or just let gravity take you down!!! Today I got a push! (a push to do & redo several things) A co-worker/fellow (expert) runner said--"hey what are you doing Sunday morning?" and I laughed and said, "Not running a 5K!".....(I already had a feeling his question was going to lead to information about running in a race on Sunday). This discussion lead to realizing (and remembering) that you have the ability to make up your mind to do (or not do) something and conquer a goal, fear or obstacle. A lot of times mental strength will carry you through. If you think you can--you can, if you think you can't--you can't. By nature I am a "pusher"...I am usually the one pushing people to do better, be better, live better. Today I had an epiphany---every now and then I need a push. I need a push to go farther, do better and be better. I need a push to keep on keeping on and get over that hump. Sometimes we get stuck on the hump! I challenge everyone to run up the hump---stand on the top of the hump (do some jumping jacks) and then run down the hump and enjoy the victory waiting ahead!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday ConFessions Part 1
I must confess, I almost let two negative things overshadow one of the important events in my oldest son's life. Last night he graduated from elementary school and he is on his way to middle school. (wow-it seems like he was just born) As always I usually reflect on things--the day after. Today, I had to "slap" myself and "get over" the two things that were bugging me, because I realized that the devil is ever busy trying to steal joy and to overshadow good. The ceremony was inspiring and memorable. I was overjoyed (no I didn't cry) and very proud to witness seeing my son reach high academic achievement. I really wanted to yell and scream and jump up and down, but this wasn't a football game, so I stayed seated and "refined".... In the entire scheme of things, there really wasn't anything that should have taken away from this moment, but I almost let it creep in there. I was reminded that if we aren't careful, the devil will steal our joy and then we have a party stewing in the theft!!!! It was a wake up call that staying positive, being positive and thinking positive is an action and a way of life that requires work, constant work. I'm doing the work....are you?
Friday ConFessions Part 2
A few Things I Learned in 5th Grade (the second time - through my oldest son)
- Time flies and you wake up one day and realize your children are growing up.
- It is important to be open, available and have honest discussions about everything--even when the topic makes you want to run and hide.
- Kids can be mean and you have to teach your child the tools to overcome being the target of bullies, insults and mean behavior.
- Being "smart" pays off even if everyone thinks you are a Geek, including your younger brother. (ha-look at the Geek Squad!)
- Girls are mean one day and want to talk the next.
- Reading is fundamental.
- Setting Goals and Expectations are necessary for success.
- Make a decision to be who you are and proud of it no matter what people say.
- Be proud to say "I pray" and that you are a Christian.
- Prayer works!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
MonTuesday's Motivation
As I approach the eve of my oldest son's elementary school graduation, it has caused me to do some reflection. While reflecting over the last 11 (almost 12 *gasp*) years of his life, it made me think, everything in a child's life is marked my milestones. When they need shots, when they say their first word, their first tooth, when they take that first wobbly step, the first day of school, the first dance, the first date...well you get it. I started thinking--at some point they emerge into adulthood and we stop counting the milestones (usually after college graduation) unless it is their wedding or the birth of a baby, or some other life event. It made me wonder, why do we as adults stop counting milestones. Why do we stop attempting to reach milestones. I know that life, careers, children and partners, cause us to reshift our focus away from ourselves, however, I think it's important to have a parallel focus. If you do not work towards reaching milestones, it sends a message to your children and others. And if you have children--they do leave and then it's just you.... Have you noticed that most middle age people go through a phase where they "re-invent" themselves? They decide to live in an RV and travel the country. They leave steady jobs after umpteen years to go raise goats in the outback. They change themselves so drastically others sometimes don't recognize them. I think these drastic measures are the cause of them not setting and reaching intermittent parallel milestones during their early years and now they go to drastic extremes to "live". I'm saying all of this to say--don't wait until you need to make a drastic attempt to live because you are drowning as a result of your focus being tilted so far away from your needs and wants. It's time for action!!! Do it now, get out a piece of paper, a journal or notebook and start to write some milestones you want to reach. Call it what you like, but make a "bucket list", sometimes we have to do things like this to realize, tomorrow isn't promised--Live TODAY. Dance like no one is watching and enjoy the ride, even if it is a roller-coaster! (put your hands up and scream!)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
Have you ever noticed that if you don't water your garden or flowers, even your lawn, they begin to wilt or depending on how long it's been, they start to die. Did you know that our bodies are like flowers? Without the proper hydration our bodies respond in a negative way. We get sluggish, we feel irritable, sometimes we get a headache; lack of water affects our organs/tissues and their ability to function properly. Our bodies are over 70% water and to maintain a healthy body it is important to drink water regularly. Yes, juice and sports drinks are viable options to help with hydration, but nothing does a body good, like water. (okay, I know the slogan is about milk) As we are approaching the warmer days of summer, I decided to remind everyone about drinking water and how to get it in. There are numerous benefits to drinking water: it helps keep your organs, tissues, and joints functioning properly; it increases your energy level; improves concentration and focus; helps increase the strength of our immune system; it rids your body of toxins and waste; it helps improve your skin and give it a healthy glow and it can help reduce overeating and eating when you are not hungry. Now aren't those some good reasons to grab some water? One of the easiest ways to get it in, is to decide how much water you need to drink and plan out when and how to drink water over the course of the day. Another suggestion, have a cute water bottle or fancy drinking cup within arms reach, filled and ready to drink. Adding lemon or lime can give water a little boost or add a low calorie flavor packet, like Crystal Light every now and then. For me, a different twist is to try the flavored sparkling waters. Don't worry about how many times you have to go to the bathroom, trust me--being properly hydrated and running to the bathroom beats the alternative. Okay, go grab something to drink---water of course.
Monday, June 7, 2010
MonTuesday's Motivation
the Blessed breakdown. Sunday, I had the blessing of sitting in my truck for about 2 hours reading a book. Now I'm sure you are wondering why I sat in my truck for 2 hours and why did I consider this a blessing. I consider it a blessing because God was probably saying I'm giving you some time to yourself and he knew this was one way I'd get it. I had dropped my boys off at the movies (they were meeting someone there) and when I returned to my truck to go run errands.....the truck wouldn't start. It was dead! Now as I sat there, I checked to make sure nothing was plugged in, like my boys games or my cell phone charger--nothing. I started thinking if there had been any warning signs--nothing. So I commenced to digging in my wallet (note to self: clean out my wallet) and found my AAA card. After calling and waiting (and enjoying my book) the friendly man showed up, tested everything and determined I needed a new battery. He explained that AAA carries them (something I never knew) but unfortunately for me---he was sold out of the one I needed. He said they had a record number of vehicles that needed the same battery and they were out of stock until Tuesday. (he said this was unheard of) He did offer several suggestions of where to get a battery and I said "at this time of day?" it was after 7, on Sunday. Thank God, he mentioned a place that was open until 8 and they install for free. I called, they had the battery and after some begging, the manager agreed to wait for me. (it was 7:30) Now you are probably wondering where the blessing is? Well, 1st of all, I was in a safe location. 2nd, I didn't have any where I needed to be and my errands could wait. 3rd, I was able to remedy the situation the same night and didn't have to miss time from work. Overall, it couldn't have happened at a better time. I had a few hours to kill while I waited for the boys and it didn't impact anything or anybody other than me. The boys didn't miss a beat and really were not affected expect for waiting for a few minutes (with hungry stomachs) while the new battery was installed. I started thinking that a lot of times when we are inconvenienced by a flat tire, a broken down vehicle on the highway or a dead battery, we curse the event, get irritated, aggravated and or impatient. But I want to encourage everyone, look for the blessing in your breakdown. The silver lining in the grey cloud so to speak. There is a blessing in everything negative or irritating that happens to us. It is up to us to find the positive in the negative. Take a battery for example--there is a positive and a negative end- both work together to supply power....just think about it!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday ConFessions
Refresh and Recharge!!! that is what I've been doing since my last post. I recently participated in two major events that required planning and effort and mix that in with everyday life, I decided to take a "pause for MY cause". The Relay for Life and running the 5K were two events (back to back weekends) that I planned for but required a lot of planning and energy. Did I mention I had the nerve to squeeze in a round of golf (in 90 degrees) the Friday before I ran the 5K. (probably not highly recommended). One thing I can say is, I'm learning to push myself beyond where I think I could. I'm learning that we can't allow our minds to limit us, we have to dare to push and try. I believe it's never to late. So, now that I'm refreshed and recharged...I'm looking for the next challenge? Any suggestions?
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