Monday, May 24, 2010
The 5K
I DID IT!!! correction, WE did it. My girlfriend Doris and I ran the 5K together. Everything happened so fast, a casual conversation about wanting to start running (a month ago), turned into the two of us running a 5K. Doris and all my friends now know--watch what you say around me--because I will make it happen for us!!! Yesterday was one of those experiences where you say "did I really just do that?" For some people a 5K is a measly 3.1 miles, for others it may seem insurmountable. For me, a previous "non-runner" it was a BIG deal. If you would have told me several months ago, I'd be running for fitness, let alone running in a race, I'd say NOT ME! This was a big physical and mental hurdle for me to overcome. For years, I've allowed my knees to be an excuse for not trying certain physical things. Years ago, and I do mean YEARS ago, I had knee surgery (on both knees) and I've always been afraid to push myself to see how strong my knees and body really are. What started out being a "I'm training as if I'm going to run at some point" turned out to be a "I'm running in a 5K, for real". It was almost as if I was having an out of body experience. Me running? I still can't believe it. But I did it and I trained in a little less than 5 weeks. The training itself was an experience of seeing how my body would respond, but more importantly, seeing how I improved week to week. Listening to your body was key to pushing or easing off, depending on the day. A month ago, I couldn't run 2 minutes without gasping for air or wanting to stop. I see how the body can adapt and change with the proper training. Along, with the physical training, you have to have the mental fortitude to believe you can do it and you have to have positive self-talk through the process. Overall, it was a great experience and my finishing time was 45:55. I did have to walk a few times-those rolling hills got me, but I ran more than I walked and more importantly, I DID IT!!!! so inquiring minds want to know---what's next??? stay tuned....
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Journey to a 5K
I finally feel like myself again. For the past few days I've been walking around in a dense fog--almost like I was trapsing thru cobwebs. Sad thing is--in the back of my mind, I kept thinking...I need to finish training for my 5K, but my body felt like a lump of coal. My body rebelled against me in the early part of the week and I didn't resume training until yesterday!! I'm glad to say that I got on the treadmill (because of the time of day) and I picked up where I left off. I felt great, I'm up to 20 mins of running, on the treadmill. Today, I ventured outside--in 70 plus degree weather...hmmmm, what was I thinking. All I can say is, I had to keep repeating the famous verse I think I can, I think I can. I'm not sure if it was the heat, or the fact that my nasal passages decided to shut down, I could barely breath--allergy issues...but I couldn't wait to get back inside. The good thing is, I'm improving. The interesting thing is how different running on the treadmill is versus running outside. Sunday is fast approaching and I'm wondering at what point do you feel you are completely ready. Two things I know for sure---1. Sunday is coming and 2. no matter what--I will be running across the finish line. Now, here is my dilemma...what to wear!!! Stay tuned.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Determined Minds, Bodies and Spirits
It's been several days since the ACS Relay for Life and I think I have finally recuperated. I want to thank my Inspired Girlfriends-Relay for Life Team for their determination and perseverance with respect to fundraising and keeping a positive, upbeat spirit through the entire event, even through the brisk hours of the night and early morning. At the last minute one team mate was unable to travel due to medical reasons and another team mate came and enjoyed the early festivities, but due to a new discovery she couldn't stay all night. When it was all said and done four of us stood at 6 a.m. for our victory photo.!!! WE DID IT!!! (we looked pretty ___ good for 6 a.m!!!! bright eyed too) We were able to raise $1700, in a very short time. The effort was incredible, e-mails, phone calls, text messages, scratch off's, talking to co-workers, family and friends--we worked hard to get donations. I now see that my $500 goal was not that hard to next year, the bar is going to be raised. I hope everyone will up the anty!!! The real highlight of the evening was the Ms. Relay lap. This is where men dress up as women and ask for donations. We raised $129 just by having Ruthelle, do his/her thing!!! Ruthelle will forever be in our hearts and minds....hopefully Ruthelle will be interested in a new look for next year! I have vowed not to show pictures--but trust--he really did represent! We incorporated our children in the event by having them participate in the Teddy Bear lap--they each carried a teddy bar around the track and then it was donated to children with cancer. I confess, I underestimated the amount of walking and how much I would feel it the next day. I also realized I have to rest up prior to the event--going in sleep deprived was not a good idea. I'm glad to say we all worked together as a team, no-one knew each other (I was the one who knew everyone). We mixed and mingled well and laughed alot---I think this could be the beginning of something.....Let's raise those cute wine glasses!!! Cheers!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday/Wednesday Motivation
Everyone is accountable for their actions, whether the actions are good, bad or ugly. (Ultimately we answer to God.) I find it interesting that so many people turn the other cheek when they see or hear wrong doing. I have witnessed this one to many times lately, at work, in the school, in the store, etc. It is as if everyone is too busy to get involved, too tired or too busy to care. I noticed that if we don't speak up for injustice or inappropriate behavior, the cycle continues. I went on a field trip Monday with 5th graders. It was shocking to me how disrespectful alot of them were towards adults. Frankly, I was surprised, it was as if they laughed in the face of correction. I have a feeling this will be my last field trip, because not only did I have to correct a few students, I had to speak to a teacher. One student was very determined to "do his own thing". He was shocked I knew his name and was baffled that I also mentioned I knew his mother, however, his mis-behavior continued. I remember back in the day, if someone knew our mother, that was enough for us to straighten up. By the way, as a result of his behavior on the field trip (several parents and teachers had to speak with him) I pulled his mom aside when I saw her, and let her know about his actions. He is a very intelligent boy, however, we all know that poor behavior overrides intelligence. Speaking to her was a bold move on my part because it could have resulted in her cussing me out or getting loud or her telling me to mind my own business. I did pray about it first and was prepared for which ever way it was going to go. I also had to speak with a teacher about a very inappropriate comment she made in the company of several parents. As parents we were shocked, but no-one felt compelled to speak with the teacher, except me. If we don't respectfully let others know that something is inappropriate, they will continue and possibly corrupt others. How about you, do you speak up or shut up? I know there are times when we must be quiet, however, the times when we should speak up, do you? Just food for thought.....
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!!
At some point we all become mothers. Whether we physically birth a child or not, we are mothers to someone, we are nurturers, caretakers, doctors, psychologists, chauffeurs, chefs; as mothers, our titles are endless. I ran across a website that is asking people to write Six Word Memoirs on Why Moms Matter....Six words, wow...give it a try. You only have six words....Good Luck. Here is the link. Share what you write.
This is what I wrote: Taught Me To Persevere and Stand.
This is what I wrote: Taught Me To Persevere and Stand.
Friday, May 7, 2010
late night Friday conFessions
Today's confessions are taking a twist....Yes, I exercised 4 times plus played another round of golf (9 holes), however, I want to confess that, at times I probably take life, health, my freedom and my sanity for granted. Today I volunteered in my neighborhood for a project called Homes for our Troops. It is a program that builds accessible homes for severely injured soldiers. I have been wanting to get more involved in volunteering but everytime the opportunity presents itself, I am unable to do it. This time, there was no excuse--this was right in my back-yard (or front yard to be exact). I saw veterans from various tours of duty, some with visible scars, some I'm sure with mental images they will never forget. The soldier that is moving into my neighborhood and getting this new house, lost both of his legs (in Iraq) and is in his early 20's. It's amazing to think that in a split second, his life was forever changed. It made me realize how much we take simple things for granted; things like our legs and the freedom to move about as we choose. I realized that we have the freedom of going to sleep and not being tormented by images that are unfathomable. Today was really one those experiences that made me go hmmmmmmmmm. It is inspiring to see an amazing amount of people rallying together for a cause and providing support for someone in need. I want to inspire everyone to make a difference in someone's life that needs help. If you have children, get them involved too, teach them the importance of community involvement and giving back. You never know how you can touch someone's life. Today I saw first hand, that it really does take a village.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Dress for Success
My mother always taught me to make sure "you dress the part". She instilled this in me for several reasons, here are two 1. you never know who you may see or meet and 2. it shows that you are prepared for the occasion and dressed appropriately. I have taken this lesson and apply it to everything--from work to exercising to casually hanging with the boys and my friends. I believe if you have the right clothes, you will have the right mindset. The right outfit has the power to change your mood. The wrong outfit can damper your mood. One of my girlfriends laughs every time I workout because I have stated that I have "cute" work out clothes. I don't own any baggy sweats! I also pride myself on coordinated golf outfits...and I'm "unofficially" the best dressed golfer at my local golf course (according to the golf pro). I think of everyday as an opportunity to walk the runway, wherever your runway is. Think about it, if you were going to walk the runway wouldn't you give a second thought to your outfit? When you dress for success (and the part) people take you more seriously, it says "I mean business". So, for inquiring minds, this is why I dress for success.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hump Day Helpers
I'm finishing a book by Marcus Buckingham, Live Your Strongest Life. The underlying theme in his book is showing the difference between happy, successful women and unhappy, successful women. Through the book he discusses and gives examples how to achieve a state of being happy and successful. He has dialogues with both happy and unhappy women. He shockingly reports that women as a whole become more unhappy as they age; and women are more unhappy in life overall nowadays, than they were back in the 60's. He mentions that we busy ourselves with things that are not adding value to our lives and we often get sidetracked from what we really want in life. He continues to writes that what we "amplify" we focus on. Meaning, whatever your attention amplifies will be the predominate action or thought. If we focus on negativity or our weaknesses, or what we aren't doing--we will have a predominance of negativity and negative results. If we focus on positivity or the positive strides we have made, or if we keep our eye on the prize--we will have positive results. It seems to me that as women, we have to work extra hard to be, stay and maintain our happiness. I'm willing to do the work...are you? Let's go...start living your strongest life!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Journey to a 5K
I'm entering week 2 of my 5K training. Initially, when I said I would run a 5K in the "near future" I really thought it would be further out in the future...but since I took the plunge and hit the enter button...the race is coming soon (May 23). I had to revise my training plan from 5 weeks to 4 weeks. (yikes!) After doing more research and talking to some more seasoned runners, I determined I needed to take my training outside. The treadmill and I were having a great time. I was really thinking "I can do this!!!!!" I am a Runner!!!! Once I started outside I noticed a HUGE difference... I started thinking "can I really do this?" Who is a runner??? I came to the conclusion that any simulated environment (the treadmill) is always easier than the real environment (outside). For example, a fire drill is always easier than a real fire. A simulated evacuation drill is always easier than a real evacuation -- you see my point. My simulated training on the treadmill had lulled me into a false sense of reality. I have had a reality check and will do my training outside so I am more prepared. Over the weekend I did 2 mins. run--2 mins. walk (Sat) and then a 4 mins. run--2 mins. walk (Sun)--each for about 30 mins. The 4 mins./2 mins. interval was a real eye opener...but I made it through. Last night because it was late, I had to revert to my treadmill. I did 6 mins. run -- 2 min walk (for 32 mins). I could breath and I felt like a runner...Now, the real deal will be to do this OUTSIDE....whew. Have you ever seen a runner with an oxygen tank? I might be the first one---stay tuned!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Go for it Monday!
It's Monday and Today is the day to "start again" or just "start"!!!! I was texting to a girlfriend over the weekend asking her how her exercising was going and she said "don't ask". After a few texting exchanges she said she would get back on the wagon on Monday. How many times have we said, "I'll start tomorrow", or "I'll start Monday"? (I have my hand raised) Well, if we always delay our start, sometimes we don't actually start--we find excuse after excuse to delay the start or we just give up and never start or restart in some cases. If we always delay the start, we can't begin the race. If we never go to the starting line---we can't get to the finish line. Remember, it doesn't matter how long it takes to run (or walk) the race, it just matters that you finish. Come on, it's Monday...
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